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Directory Listings and Display Ad Options

alaskan vacation

Where will my listing appear?
All listings will appear in your primary Outdoor Activity, Lodging or Transportation page as well as in the appropriate Destinations page. The same listings appear in all three language sections - so that's 6 appearances of your listing in the directory. You may have your listing published in
additional categories for a charge of $20/category.

Featured Listings - $175.00/yr.
Featured listings appear in a special box above the standard listings. The extra attention drawn to the featured listings and the top of the page placement ensures more clicks on your listing.

.Display Ad with Featured Listing - $250.00/yr.
This is the way to go if you want to get the most for your money, maximize exposure and really drive traffic to your site. Subscribers choosing this option will have top placement in the featured listings section.

Standard Listings - $150.00/yr.
Standard listings appear directly under the featured listings. New listings will be added to the bottom of the list so the earlier you subscribe the better your page placement.

Display Ad Only - $200.00/yr.
Nothing grabs attention like a a display ad. We will use your image or create one from your logo or other graphic. Ads will be placed in the top position directly above the featured listings for maximum exposure. The display ad option does not include a text listing

All listings are added in the order they are recieved so the earlier you signup the higher your listing will appear on the page... and the more clicks you will receive to your site.

alaskan vacation

>> Below are samples of listing types and ads <<

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alaskan vacation

Alaska Flightseeing Tours

alaskan vacation
alaska lodging accommodations alaska accommodations lodging
alaska flightseeing
alaska flightseeing

display ads
appear at the top


featured Alaska Flightseeing Sites (examples of Featured Listings)

Wrangell Mountain Air
Alaska Flightseeing adventure tours and backcountry drop offs in Alaska wilderness. Charter flights available in and out of McCarthy Alaska.

Another Featured Listing
Featured listings get added to the bottom of the list so the earlier you sign up the higher your listing will be on the page and the more clicks you will get to your web site.

more Alaska Flightseeing Sites (examples of Standard Listings)

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alaskan vacation  
alaska backpacking and alaska hiking trips
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alaska backpacking and alaska hiking trips

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